Monday, 27 August 2012

53.Fremdeblicke - Artist Showcase - Gaurang Makhwana

A young budding artist from Ahmedabad, India, has developed his own new genre of paintings, mostly using acrylic and water colors to create the charismatic bright and dull textures in them, which largely orbit around the central idea of the contrast of rural versus urban ethos and their variances...the progress of technology and deterioration of values…growing material comfort and lessening mental peace…. ‘Development at the cost of Destruction’!!!

Most of his creations are intensely thought-provoking and take us to the world of ceaseless debating thoughts of coalescence of rural lifestyles with modernity….the simplicity & serenity of the countryside, its vivacious and joyous festivals, the small but cohesive social groups, their traditions, customs and rituals……to the stifling, nerve-wracking and fast paced urban life. His paintings convey the message - “Back to Nature”.

One of the participating artists of the 53rd Fremdeblicke exhibition, titled 'Does it make Sense? ', he was a significant participant in the making of  “The Longest Painting of the world : The Kankaria lake, Ahmedabad” in 1999 which was painted by  2200 artists together for three days and nights continuously and  has found a place in ‘The Guinness Book of world Records’. The “86 Feet longest mural work in Gandhi Nagar, Sachivalaya” stands as yet another example of his artistic endowment.

A few of his paintings are featured here and to find out more about him, you may please visit his facebook account
Garurang Makhwana

by Sudeepta Mohapatra
(On behalf of the Fremdeblicke Team)

Monday, 13 August 2012

53.Fremdeblicke - Artist Showcase - Sarita Singh

Dear Artlovers,

Sarita Singh, a brilliant young artist from Hyderabad, India , a potential comrade of the clan of ‘young contemporary Indian artists’ , draws inspiration for most of her art predominantly from the various forms of nature : trees, creepers, foliage, birds, blooming flowers etc. and their relationship with human beings. Birds portraying the idea of ‘celebration of life’, flying high beyond the boundaries and fear of death , blooming flowers signifying ‘the enlightenment of our inner subconscious’, the density of trees & foliage offering the opportunity of playing with various combinations of illumination & darkness.

Through her art, she propagates & reiterates the philosophy of R.N.Tagore that Painting unlike literature has the liberty to produce forms which need not necessarily function as the medium of expression of ideas & sentiments, rather provide the freedom of describing some of our imaginations with lucidity and some further left to the visualization of the onlooker with a new perspective of his own.

An outstanding artist having numerous awards and honors in addition to several national exhibitions to her credit, her creative mysteries find their expression in several forms like Oil Paintings, Murals, 3D Clay Paintings, Tanjore, Jharokhas, Abstract, Drawing & Sketching, Charcoal, Rajasthani, Mugal Miniature, Landscape, Portrait, Mixed media, Pot Painting, Designer Name Plates, Wall Clocks, Stain Wood ,Stain Glass etc.

Although it is very tough selecting only some from all her amazing creations, still featuring here a few of them showcasing her immense creativity:

P.S: The other works of Sarita can be viewed in her website here

We hope you had a wonderful time reading about Sarita. Have a nice time and we will see you soon on the next post with another wonderful artist !

by Sudeepta Mohapatra
(On behalf of the Fremdeblicke Team)

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