Friday, 6 July 2012

53.Fremdeblicke - Invitation / Einladung !

Dear Art patrons,

The Fremdeblicke Team invites you to the opening of the 53.Fremdeblicke Exhibition/Austellung titled ''Does It make Sense ?''

The invitation is attached below. Date and Venue details are -

Ort/Venue : Klartext e.V.
                     Augustenstraße 77 (Rückgebäude)
                     U2 (Theresienstraße)
                     80333 München

Eröffnung/Opening : 13.Juli ab 18:00 Uhr / 13th July 18:00 hrs onwards
exhibition in munich by Indian artists

We will be coming up with individual Artist Showcases in the following posts. To know more about the artists and their inspirations, please keep visiting this blog.

Incase you are wondering what ''Does It make Sense?'' means, then you definitely need to attend the opening :-) !

Looking forward to seeing you all on 13.Juli at 18:00 hrs.

On behalf of the Fremdeblicke Team,


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